Corporate News

CMPort's 2023 C-Blue Rural Education Public Welfare Project: Children's Summer Camp Launched in Shenzhen


On July 29, China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. ("CMPort") successfully launched a children's summer camp at Yucai No.2 Primary School through its 2023 C-Blue Rural Education Public Welfare Project. This edition of the C-Blue summer camp was funded by the China Merchants Foundation and co-hosted by the Nanshan District Charity Association and CMPort, with the collaboration of Yucai No.2 Primary School under the Shenzhen Shekou Yucai Education Group and the Nanshan District Nanfeng Social Work Service Agency, and with the cooperative support from Tencent's Party Committee. The launching ceremony was attended by leading figures including CMPort's Deputy Party Secretary and Chief Financial Officer Tu Xiaoping, China Merchants Foundation's Executive Deputy Secretary-General Huang Yi, Shenzhen Shekou Yucai Education Group Party Secretary Yao Xiaolan, General Manager of Nanshan District Nanfeng Social Work Service Agency He Shanshan, and Deputy Director Shen Ganlin of the Publicity and Collaboration Center of Tencent's Party-Mass Department.

Tu Xiaoping extended greetings to the students and teachers who had come from afar and expressed gratitude to the leaders at all levels and colleagues in the public welfare and education sectors who have strongly supported the rural education public welfare project. Tu Xiaoping stated that CMPort has built a public welfare project system, known as the "C-Blue Global Philanthropic Mission," infused with the spirit of the times and unique port culture through innovative and sustainable practices. Domestically, the company has carried out phased implementations of parent-child summer camps and children's growth camps from 2015 to 2022, providing both intellectual and emotional support to promote the education and growth of left-behind children and children in rural impoverished areas. In 2023, CMPort, embracing the beautiful vision of "igniting the lamp of rural revitalization through the 'torch' of education," has innovatively integrated social resources to launch the "Rural Education Public Welfare Project," which includes summer camps, growth camps, and support camps. The company hopes to enable rural children across the country to enjoy educational resources that are on par with those in first-tier cities, thereby enhancing educational “soft power” to boost rural revitalization.

Huang Yi highly praised CMPort's enthusiasm for public welfare projects and its proactive approach to fulfilling social responsibilities and expressed gratitude to the volunteers for their diligent companionship. Huang Yi pointed out that CMPort's C-Blue children's public welfare initiative, carrying the core values of "sharing a common destiny with the motherland, growing together with the times," has united emotions and strength across mountains and seas. From 2015 to 2023, the footprints of these volunteers have spread across Meizhou, Heyuan, Zhanjiang, and Weining, continually weaving wonderful stories where mountains meet seas and fostering emotional connections among people. She hopes that through the five-day summer camp, students will sense the history of CMPort, ocean culture, innovative technology elements, and the pulse of the times, engage in exchanges of diverse thought processes, and experience the variety and differences of local customs and practices. She also encourages the children to dare to dream, to courageously pursue those dreams, and to diligently realize them, growing into grounded, daring, and socially transformative individuals who integrate knowledge and action.

Yao Xiaolan expressed appreciation for CMPort's 9-year-long sustained focus on the education and growth of rural children, and admiration for the sense of social responsibility that the company has demonstrated in its unswerving commitment to public welfare. As students from five regions gather in Shenzhen, he hopes that through a wide variety of colorful and diverse activities, they will learn about Shenzhen's history of “reform and opening up”, feel the spirit of reform, and through continuous exchange and learning, plant a seed in their hearts that fosters a sense of both national pride and social responsibility.

At the launch ceremony, Tu Xiaoping assigned flags to five teams, made up of a total of 50 students from five different regions, raising the "sails" under the inspiration of the century-old culture and spirit of China Merchants and Shekou. The mentor team, made up of CMPort's C-Blue volunteers, made a brilliant appearance. Students from the five regions as well as Russia performed self-directed and self-acted programs, showcasing the youthful vigor, dream-chasing ambition, and exploratory spirit of the young generation.

CMPort has built both a platform for communication and a bridge for friendship, introducing experiential education to guide children towards positive growth, broaden their horizons, and inspire their motivation to study diligently through this C-Blue summer camp. The camp invited a total of 50 children, including those from Guangdong Heyuan, Meizhou, Zhanjiang, Weining, Shenzhen, as well as students from Russia, Mexico, and the United States who are studying in Shenzhen, to gather here at the forefront of reform and opening-up, for a 5-day summer camp journey. During this time, China Merchants Port's C-Blue volunteers will accompany the children to experience China Merchants' culture, explore smart ports, view Shenzhen from the sea, engage in international cultural exchange activities, and together, embrace dreams, nurture friendships, and reach out to the world with hope and empathy.